Providing concrete core drilling services for Greensboro, North Carolina.
For the most part we average the prices we have charged during previous core drilling projects and with a little experience come up with this list for our customers. The core drilling price hole is just an average general list of what it may take to core drill a hole in concrete for you. These core drilling prices are not set in stone and may change depending on the circumstance like where the hole is to be drilled, time of day, total amount of holes per work order and distance from Greensboro NC. A one time charge of $200.00 per project. For Example using the chart below: 4 3" holes in a sidewalk (Setup charge) $200 + 4 3" @ $75 ea. (hole price)= $300 Total of $500 for the the price it will cost for the concrete core drilling needed in our sample project. If you have any questions and need and official quote or estimate for your core drilling project you may call 704-245-0119
In the table below you can see what we charge to core drill holes through both concrete walls and concrete floors. This is average core drilling prices for normal circumstances. Odd projects may be more or less. There is a discount when the minimum amount of 100 holes is needed.
Size | Core Drilling Floor | Core Drilling Wall |
1" core drill hole | $50.00 | $90.00 |
2" core drill hole | $60.00 | $100.00 |
3" core drill hole | $75.00 | $120.00 |
4" core drill hole | $85.00 | $140.00 |
5" core drill hole | $100.00 | $170.00 |
6" core drill hole | $140.00 | $180.00 |
8" core drill hole | $200.00 | $250.00 |
10" core drill hole | $300.00 | $350.00 |
12" core drill hole | $400.00 | $475.00 |
14" core drill hole | $600.00 | $675.00 |